Why should entrepreneurs hire content writers?

Short answer?

Because you're not a superhero!

Long answer?

Being an entrepreneur, business or brand owner, or online coach involves more than just selling a product or service.

There is a long list of multiple factors influencing the success of your e-commerce enterprise and in today's digital age, content is gradually making its way to the top of that list.

There can be no launching a new product, building a brand or striving to engage your audience without getting involved in some form of content creation.

Managing all of these responsibilities can easily become overwhelming and lead to burn out.

As much as stress is inevitable in successfully building a business, the chances of it burning you out can be greatly reduced if you can only embrace and inculcate one simple action in your workflow - DELEGATION.

As an entrepreneur, your time is valuable.

Daily, you are faced with an endless list of administrative responsibilities desperately yearning for your attention - content writing/creation being one of them.

Whether it's writing a quick social media post, or an article for brand visibility, or a newsletter to your email fans,

The point is writing or creating high quality content requires significant time and effort and because of the nature of your job, you may not always have this to give.

The easiest way to get out of this treadmill of “all work and no play” is by creating a structure that allows you to have more time to focus on extremely important responsibilities.

In simple terms:

  • Don't do what you can pay others to do for you.

Here are 3 simple reasons why:


1. Audience Engagement:

Content writing doesn't begin with writing.

It starts with adept research to understand what your ideal clients and buyers want.

A content writer is skilled with the necessary know-how to understand how to tailor content in such a way that it attracts and retains your target audience.

You must understand that people don't relate with brands, they relate with people and a professional content writer knows just how to humanize your brand in order to foster stronger connections and encourage interactions.

2. SEO Optimization:
How do you feel after spending hours creating, writing and editing a piece of content only to get little to zero traffic on the post? Good?

I don't think so.

It isn't necessarily because you're terrible at writing (hopefully not).

It is because you are not well-versed in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques.

This is the factor that makes your content not just appealing to your audience but also ranks well on search engines such as google, bing, Opera etc.

SEO boosts your website's visibility, driving more organic traffic and potential customers to your business.

These are things professional content writers are trained to do.

3. Consistent Content Output:
You've probably heard this before;

  • Consistency is a key ingredient for success.

To build a brand and maintain the attention and loyalty of your audience, you must feed them content regularly.
Either daily or weekly, but it must be frequent and consistent especially as a start up brand still trying to get visible.

Regularly updating your blog, website, or social media with fresh content can easily become the bane of your entrepreneurial journey especially if this isn't something you personally enjoy doing.

If this be the case, then you need a content writer more than you know.

They can easily ensure a steady stream of high-quality content, keeping your audience informed, entertained, and interested.

To wrap up:

(For the love of high school debates)

I hope with these few points of mine, I have been able to convince and not confuse you that hiring a content writer is a profitable investment in your business's future because their expertise not only saves you time but also enhances your brand's visibility, credibility, and engagement.


If you're looking to grow your business and build a strong online presence via content marketing and writing, but don't know where to start, START HERE!