I ruined my finances!

...so you don't have to.


Over the years, I have struggled to forgive myself.

On some days when the strong grip of regret clawed at my heart, I'd just take my journal out and write horrible things about myself.

Things like “Sofie, you're a big fool”, “I can't believe I came out as you!”, “Fine face, empty head!”

Yes! I used to be really mean and even I wasn't exempted from the wrath of my razor blade tongue.

But now, I'm better, I promise:)(:


In 2022, I landed my first job as a content writer for this guy I met on X, he paid me $80 for 4 articles and then, that was about N50,000 per week.

As a very young adult with zero responsibilities, this was all I could dream of. I had no reason to stress about money anymore. I did what I wanted, ate what I craved, bought what I admired. I really had everything I needed.

Well, except the one thing that could have saved me - financial literacy.

Now, I left home at 18 (well, basically I ran away lol), so I didn't really have access to any form of guidance and because I was inexperienced with the rules of money, I thought money is just for spending

Honestly, having that kind of access to that kind of money at that kind of age almost destroyed me and to an extent, I'm grateful it went away.

Because being broke has taught me alot:

  • I have learnt humility: God has really been faithful in providing for my every need, but sometimes like Elijah in the bible, he'll put your next meal in the house of the widow of Zarephath and until you go and ask, hunger will kill you.

Asking is not so easy for me, so this was a major lesson.


  • I have learnt self control: For the fact you can afford it, doesn't mean you should buy it.

Unlike what naive Sofie thought, apparently money isn't just for spending.

Not every craving should be indulged, most should actually be ignored.


  • I have learnt financial intelligence: This is probably the most important thing I've learnt and I'm still learning.

It's one thing to make money, but an even bigger thing to keep it. Making money can happen coincidentally, but to keep it, you must be intentional and very strategic.

It's not just about increasing your sources of income.

I have learnt that increasing your cash flow without keeping your spend flow in check will lead you into a financial treadmill.

Your income may make you rich, but your ability to be frugal will keep you rich.

So, make more, desire less and spend less.

Basically, live below your means.

The journey to realizing all of these things has been really insightful, but extremely exhausting and as much as I am grateful for all of the lessons learnt, I never want to go through this nonsense phase again

So, Dear God,

I swear I've grown! If you allow me get rich again, I promise to make you proud.