I got rejected and I was happy!

Weird right?

Ever since the beginning of this month, I made a pact with myself to land a new client before the end of this month even if it meant heaven coming down.

So, I came up with a plan.
“Instead of waiting for these people to find me, I'll find them!”

A classic ''if Muhammad won't come to the mountain, the mountain would go to Muhammad”

I then came up with my cold emailing strategy and then, I started.

I've been sending out at least 10 emails everyday for the past week and I got no response


Yesterday, I checked my email and I saw 2 new emails, they were both rejections and I was so glad😂

I said to myself, “at least they responded”

After not getting any response, I was beginning to wonder if the emails were being delivered at all, or if my email was so bad, it didn't even deserve a response…so many thoughts!

So when I got these 2 rejection emails, I was like thank you Jesus, at least something is happening.

Even if it's not what I want…



What's the moral of this story?

Overtime, I have made conscious efforts to teach myself to be more positive.

To learn to find the silver lining in dark clouds

One thing about adulting is you will go through alot

Sometimes you will feel like life is conspiring against you

This will bring in alot of negativity, so you must make a conscious effort to find something to be grateful for.

If not, you'll be overwhelmed with depression.

It is your responsibility to find something good in every situation.

If there isn't any, create one!