Your brand won't land any sales!

A newsletter:

Let me paint you a picture;

Imagine you come across an absolute stranger whom you've never seen or met before,

and then all of a sudden, he begins flooding your inbox, email, and even social media DM with sales offers.


Will you buy his product or service?

I'm betting you'll say no. Well neither will I!

Why? It's simple!

Because he is a stranger.

Well, so is your brand!

Simple truth?

People buy from either people they know, like, or both,

And until you have strategically placed yourself in any of these categories, don't expect to touch their money.

It is an engaged audience that buys from you.

and to keep people engaged, you need the perfect mix of both quality and consistency with the content you provide.


Repetition is the key to lasting impression.

If you want to stay top of your buyers mind when it's time to make a purchase,

You must consistently put out engaging, educative and entertaining contents.

Can't handle the responsibilities?

Then hire someone! Simple!